Out of the Darkness, Into the Light Welcome to my show! This is for anyone who has in some way been affected by addiction, trauma or adv... Science Physics
Newfound Black Hole May Be The Closest To Earth Dubbed the "unicorn", the odd object is also among the smallest black hole ever found, and it may so... Science Physics
Quantum Physics for Kids Tanvi Gopalan is a 10 year old member of American Mensa who loves Quantum Physics. She teaches all a... Science Physics
The Electrochemistry Podcast Dr. Alex Peroff and Dr. Neil Spinner host the electrochemistry podcast where we discuss all things e... Science Chemistry Physics
Cells of Consciousness Podcast Eager to live a better life while developing my faculties (mental attitudes), and helping others to... Science Physics
Tech World Tech world, actually the human being is in a procress to convert the world in a technological world,... Science Physics
Freak engineer Akash Sharma. A self taught electronics engineer and a digital creator. He was always found curious... Science Physics